GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE

February 2025


New Head At Trade Association

The promotion of best practice, training and sustainability are key objectives for Stephen Hodgson in his new role as head of the UK’s building preservation industry, the Property Care Association (PCA).

Noted for its technical expertise, the PCA represents the UK’s damp control, timber preservation, structural waterproofing, structural repair and flood recovery sectors.

Based at Huntingdon, the PCA is also a major educational provider, delivering training that is varied in content for property professionals.

Formed from the British Wood Preserving and Damp-proofing Association (BWPDA), which was founded in 1929, the trade body became known as the Property Care Association in 2006, to reflect its expansion into markets – including structural waterproofing, structural repair and flood recovery.

A qualified surveyor, Stephen – who lives in Leeds – has had a career spanning 10 years in the BWPDA and the PCA, including roles as technical officer and deputy director, before being promoted to this new role.

Stephen said: -Good advice and quality work, delivered by people that can be trusted and who understand and care about buildings and clients, has been at the heart of the Association’s success for many years.

-A key part of my role will be to promote the PCA as a centre of excellence to anyone with a shared passion for the protection and improvement of our built environment.

-We are also proud of our extensive training programme – and we will work to consolidate our reputation for providing high quality, unbiased, accurate information and instruction.

-Sustainability is also a key driver for us. We want to highlight to consumers and specifiers the role we and our members play in protecting and preserving the nation’s built heritage.

-Sustainability is at the core of everything we do, so we must recognise and promote this to a wider audience. Professional, considered and targeted preservation techniques – such as timber repairs, the elimination of damp problems and structural stabilisation – often play a key role in the refurbishment and maintenance of our existing housing stock.

-This type of work preserves and protects what we already have, with a minimal impact on the environment and resources.”

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