April 2024


Evance offers finance packages for the R9000 wind turbine

Evance Wind Turbines, a world leading manufacturer of small wind turbines, has partnered with SolarVentus, investors in renewable energy, to offer free electricity to landowners in England, Scotland and Wales.

Under this finance package, an R9000 wind turbine is installed free of charge in exchange for a 25 year lease. In return the landowner can use as much of the generated electricity as required, free of charge, and SolarVentus receive the income generated from the Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs).

To benefit from this free electricity the proposed location for a turbine needs to be suitable, that is, open and with an average wind speed of greater than six metres per second. Once a site is accepted the process is hassle free for the landowner as a site survey, planning applications and installation are all managed by SolarVentus. Also as SolarVentus retain ownership of the equipment they cover the costs of maintenance and insurance.

The Evance R9000 is one of the most efficient small wind turbines on the market generating 13,186kWh of power a year when the annual mean wind speed is six metre per second.

Kevin Parslow, CEO of Evance Wind Turbines, said: -The Feed-in Tariffs represent an attractive investment opportunity for landowners. However, not everyone is able to fund the upfront costs, around £25,000, so this finance package enables landowners with suitable sites to reduce their energy bills and reduce their carbon emissions.

Landowners who are interested in this offer are encouraged to check the wind speed of their proposed site to ensure potential suitability or contact Evance for advice.

Lease finance package available for businesses and government organisations

Evance has also partnered with a finance company which specifically funds environmental capital purchases, to provide a lease finance package designed to help businesses, schools and local government purchase an R9000 wind turbine.

In the right location a small wind turbine will lead to substantial savings and generate an income through Feed-in Tariffs – a positive investment in renewable technology for a reduced carbon footprint.

This finance option has been designed to enable businesses, schools and government organisations to purchase the Evance 5kW turbine over a 5 year period without the upfront investment. All income generated from the Feed-in Tariffs will be available to the user of the turbine – stated Parslow.

For more details on these finance packages please contact Evance: or 01509 215669

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