July 2024


Northumberland County Council Modernises Facilities Management Function with Totalmobile


NCC Replaces Paper and Spreadsheets to Digitalise Facilities Management Across 89 Buildings and Over 40 Schools

Northumberland County Council, serving over 2,000 rural square miles, has completed a successful pilot and is now deploying field service management solutions from Totalmobile to digitalise its facilities management (FM) operations and link the FM business unit with other council services.

Scheduling, job management and mobile solutions from Totalmobile are being rolled out to manage audits, property checks, and reporting. This will enable a single point of information in the form of a dashboard, which will enable management teams to view a complete service picture at any given time.

Prior to the pilot scheme, the recording of building checks took place on paper and were recorded in spreadsheets and logbooks. Checking the status often required physical on-site visits. The new solution will enable full visibility of all FM operations such as fire safety checks, lift checks, and Covid cleansing, and enable greater transparency of performance, underpinning critical decision making.

Susan Treadwell, Interim Facilities Manager at NCC said: “We chose Totalmobile as we wanted one solution for all services, a solution that worked offline, removed duplication, and had the ability to capture photographic evidence.

“We run facilities management across a vast rural area. It is vital that we meet health and safety regulations and requirements, and buildings are properly maintained in the most time- and cost-efficient ways. 

Northumberland has been a Totalmobile customer for other service areas for over six years. It currently uses the technology within nine different service areas including neighbourhood services, property services, social care, fire and rescue, housing, and election services to work offline, remove duplication and have the ability to capture photographic evidence.

Chris Hornung, MD Public Sector at Totalmobile said: “We are seeing an increasing demand for field service intelligence technologies that improve community experience, simplify compliance, and, ultimately, provide a better service across all areas of a local authority. The wide variety of services that NCC is using Totalmobile across reflects the service, quality and significant benefits that field service management software can deliver. ”

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