GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE

February 2025


Procurement experts Fusion21 turns 21: How a step into the unknown became a route to social value success

Dave Neilson – Chief Executive at Fusion21

Real positive change, changes real lives.

This year, Fusion21 is marking its 21st anniversary and as the co-founder and Chief Executive I am so proud of what our team of procurement and social value specialists have achieved through work with our members, suppliers and partners.

Formed in 2002 by the vision of seven social housing landlords, we were stepping into unknown territory. Nobody had done anything like this before.

But what were our drivers? Let’s take a step back to late 2001 – the start of the Decent Homes programme. There were concerns about skills shortages, and cost inflation as the marketplace would be flooded with housing associations competing for the same contractors. That defined our approach. Cost efficiency and creating jobs became our compasses, directing us towards our destination. We wanted to construct a legacy of lasting impact, and for it to be more than just a construction exercise.

And that was how we became the first organisation to specialise in frameworks with a social value approach. We ensure the community benefits from projects members procure from us – be that through jobs, apprenticeships, or training.

Our name, Fusion21, came from the fusion of seven Housing Providers, and 21 signified 21st century thinking. With a mission to create social value in procurement, we created a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to creating positive change in our industry.

To date, we have delivered more than £155 million in social impact value and created more than 10,948 employment outcomes. Last year alone, we completed £350 million worth of projects last year alone and we already have £1.2 billion worth of projects committed over the next four years.

And with more than 1,000 members now, with projects spanning the UK, it’s clear that our collective impact is only set to grow. Since 2002, we have secured £348 million efficiency savings and completed 7,817 procurement projects.

We now work in sectors outside of housing including education and health. But we started in housing, and we’re immensely proud of the work we’re continuing to deliver with our members. We’ll once again have a big presence at the HOMES UK conference in November where we’ll share the latest insights from highly regarded thought leaders in the sector.

Over the years, we have worked closely with the government and been involved in initiatives that have led to policy change and regulation, linking procurement to social values in a way that nobody has done before.

Looking to the future, there are new opportunities that we are excited about. One example is the Youth Investment Fund (YIF). Last year, we were appointed as the YIF procurement partner, and are supporting Social Investment Business to deliver grant funding of more than £300 million.

I am proud of what we have achieved so far, but we are not done yet. We will continue to grow, evolve and innovate. Our mission remains the same: to procure solutions that not only save money but create jobs and training opportunities, and have a positive impact on society. Over the next five years, the Fusion21 Foundation will come to the fore as a force that will help us to really continue to make a difference in the world of procurement and social value.

So, to our people – and that’s our staff, our members, our suppliers and our partners – I say congratulations on our achievements to date. Together, we have truly set the standard for delivering ‘Procurement with Purpose’, creating social value you can see. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us.

Dave Neilson, Chief Executive at Fusion21

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