Recently launched APN Group has acquired Trace Enforcement Group, the fastest growing provider of debt recovery and enforcement services to the private and public parking sectors. In support it has simultaneously announced the appointment of three more industry-leading figures to its senior ranks.

APN Group has fully acquired Trace Enforcement Group – comprising Trace Enforcement Services, Trace Debt Recovery and Trace Managed Services – and appointed John Mason as its Managing Director. Formerly John served as a Director and Board Member of CDER Group, having previously worked asDirector of Traffic Enforcement and Congestion Charging for Transport for London and as Head of Off-Street Parking for City of Westminster Council.
Colin Arthur, previously Operations Director at Debt Recovery Plus, takes up the newly created role of Transformation Director, and Paul Kyte, a former Head of Parking at Worcester Council and consultant with RTA Associates, joins from Bristow and Sutor as Client Director.
The three founding directors of Trace Enforcement Group – Chloe Barnes, Louis Ellis and David Jarvis – remain shareholders, and have taken up active roles within the newly established APN Group.
News of this acquisition follows last week’s announcement that RingGo founder Harry Clarke has joined APN Group as Chair.
John Mason, Managing Director, Trace Enforcement Group: “After nearly 30 years in the parking enforcement and debt recovery sector I am delighted to have the opportunity to build upon the robust success that the TRACE Group has already achieved.”
Eddie Harrison, Chief Operating Officer of APN Group: “APN Group is bringing together real expertise in both private and public parking sectors with a genuine understanding of data, process and technology to create something new and meaningful. We’re delighted to bring Trace Enforcement Group into our newly established structure, and we can’t wait to share more news on our further growth and diversification as soon as we are able.”
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