April 2024


Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Compliance and Risk in 2024

By Vicky Withey, Head of Compliance at Node4

The corporate governance landscape is undergoing significant transformation as organisations face challenges in their ability to be agile and evolve to meet customer demands and expectations at a time when there is economic and political uncertainty. From resiliency, talent management, to emerging technological risks, organisations face many challenges that require proactive and adaptive compliance strategies. Drawing insights from current trends and issues, here are some predictions for the compliance landscape in 2024.

Resiliency in the face of uncertainty

In the ever-shifting economic and geopolitical landscape, organisational resilience will be a linchpin for success. Organisational culture, often the unsung hero or villain, will play a pivotal role.  A culture that fosters adaptability and innovation will act as an enabler, empowering employees to navigate uncertainty and drive strategic goals. This culture will extend to embracing diverse working models, including hybrid arrangements, recognizing that flexibility is a critical component of resilience. Moreover, economic diversity within the workforce will be championed to mitigate risks associated with economic downturns. By diversifying talent and skills, organisations can better weather financial challenges and ensure sustainable growth.

Optimisation of processes efficiency

Efficiency in processes will be a cornerstone of compliance efforts in 2024. Internal audit functions will evolve into critical partners, ensuring adherence to compliance standards and actively contributing to organisational agility. Operating as a “critical friend,” internal auditors will engage in continuous improvement initiatives through the identification of root cause analysis and adherence with good practice using governance frameworks. This proactive approach will enhance overall processes, making organisations more resilient and agile to adapt to their environment.   

Corporate disclosures and ESG compliance

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations will take centre stage in 2024. Compliance efforts will transcend mere legal obligations, encompassing comprehensive reporting that aligns with the organisation’s commitment to sustainability. Meeting investor expectations will be as crucial as meeting regulatory requirements, necessitating a transparent and holistic approach to corporate disclosures. The risks associated with inaccurate or incomplete disclosures will be carefully managed to build and maintain trust in the marketplace.

Cybersecurity and data security imperatives

As technology continues to advance, so does the sophistication of cyber threats. 2024 will see an increased emphasis on robust cybersecurity measures and data security. While technology poses a threat, it will also be a powerful tool in preventing cybercrime. Compliance strategies will focus on reactive measures and proactive approaches to stay ahead of potential threats. Data breaches can severely affect an organisation’s reputation and trustworthiness, making cybersecurity a paramount concern for compliance professionals.

Supply chain resilience and ESG integration

The vulnerabilities exposed by recent global events have underscored the importance of supply chain resilience. In 2024, organisations will extend their focus beyond traditional risk assessments to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into their supply chain strategies. Contract assessments and reviews will become more comprehensive, ensuring suppliers align with sustainability goals. This integration of ESG considerations into supply chain practices will enhance resilience and position organisations as responsible global citizens.

Addressing sociopolitical and environmental issues

The geopolitical landscape is rife with challenges, from political crises and wars to inflation, energy crises, and interest rate rises. Compliance strategies in 2024 must incorporate a robust response to these external forces. Boards and compliance professionals will be tasked with navigating these challenges while maintaining organisational stability. Demonstrating sustainability will extend beyond environmental concerns to encompass broader sociopolitical issues, ensuring that organisations survive and thrive in the face of external pressures.

Adaptive governance in the face of emerging risks

Adapting to emerging risks will be a hallmark of highly resilient boards in 2024. Instead of reacting to each risk individually, boards will adopt an integrated approach to develop resilience in key areas. These areas include emerging risks, talent and culture, sociopolitical issues, environmental sustainability, and technology.

  • Emerging Risks: Boards will actively scan the horizon for potential risks, whether technological, regulatory, or geopolitical and position the organisation to navigate these challenges with agility.
  • Talent and Culture: Recognising that an organisation’s greatest asset is its people, boards will prioritise talent management and a resilient organisational culture. Strategies for attracting, retaining, and developing diverse talent will be paramount.
  • Sociopolitical Issues: Boards will be attuned to sociopolitical developments, understanding the impact of political and societal changes on the organisation. This awareness will inform decision-making and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Environmental Sustainability: With climate change at the forefront of global concerns, boards will integrate environmental sustainability into their governance structures. This includes not only compliance with regulations but proactive efforts to reduce the organisation’s environmental footprint.
  • Technology: The rapid pace of technological advancement brings both opportunities and risks. Boards will actively engage with technology as a tool for innovation while simultaneously addressing the associated risks, including cybersecurity threats and ethical considerations.

In the dynamic landscape of 2024, compliance will be a multifaceted challenge requiring organisations to be proactive, adaptable, and forward-thinking. Boards and compliance professionals need to address current risks and anticipate emerging challenges to steer their organisations toward sustainable success.

By embracing resiliency, optimising processes, and integrating ESG considerations, companies can build a robust compliance framework that stands the test of evolving times. The organisations that navigate this landscape with foresight and agility will not only meet compliance requirements but also thrive in the face of uncertainty over the year ahead.    

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