July 2024


Highland Marketing welcomes Natasha Phillips to its advisory board   

Former national CNIO and founder of Future Nurse will bring passion for digital transformation to debates and discussions     

Natasha Phillips has joined the Highland Marketing advisory board, to contribute her passion for nursing and digital transformation to its debates on health and care technology and the guidance it provides to the agency and its

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Dr Jane Brightman joins the Highland Marketing advisory board  

Dr Jane Brightman

Workforce and digital expert brings a strong social care voice to the board’s debates and guidance for the dedicated health tech agency and its clients   

Dr Jane Brightman has joined the Highland Marketing advisory board, to bring a strong social care perspective to its debates on health and care technology and

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Want to improve NHS productivity? Start by addressing its legacy IT

The state of NHS infrastructure and legacy systems has started to attract attention from organisations worried about falling productivity. The Highland Marketing advisory board asked what it will take to fix the issues, against a backdrop of more funding being diverted from digital to “the frontline.”  

The NHS is heading for a significant financial

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Some challenges in the NHS acute tech market: and how to navigate them

NHS trusts need a lot of technology, but they face complex, structural challenges when it comes to procurement, and these tend to work against smaller companies and innovation. The Highland Marketing advisory board met recently to discuss the issues and the role of marketing.

NHS acute trusts need a lot of technology. Infrastructure –

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What should be top of mind for the new NHS CIO?

The NHS is looking for a new chief information officer, and the Highland Marketing advisory board has been considering what should be on his or her ‘to do’ list.

Following the merger of NHSX and NHS Digital with the NHS England transformation directorate, and the departure of some high-profile digital leaders, the NHS is

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Why marketing matters for health tech start-ups and scale-ups

Mark Venables (left) and Dr Alastair Kirby

Dr Alastair Kirby, Industry and Technology Navigator at Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network (KSS AHSN) reflects on why effective marketing is crucial to the success of new products and how innovators can kick start their marketing activities. Why am I not being noticed?


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Creating the digital health workforce of the future

How are trusts and health tech suppliers going to find the people they need to develop deploy and optimise critical clinical information systems in the future? Highland Marketing’s advisory board invited Paul Rice from Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to outline how he has been thinking about the challenge.

The NHS is facing

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Trusts to HIMSS5 by December 2023: will they make it this time?

Sajid Javid – Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Health and social care secretary Sajid Javid has announced a new target to complete the digitisation of the acute sector. The Highland Marketing advisory board discussed the approach being developed by NHS England’s transformation directorate, and the challenges to making it work.

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The EPR debate

Digitising hospitals was the focus of NHS IT policy for twenty years. The job is still unfinished: so what are the options for trusts – and the integrated care systems that are planned to take over health tech strategy and funding next April? The Highland Marketing advisory board asked three leading chief information officers for

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The X factor: resolving national and local tensions in NHS IT

Jeremy Nettle

Industry veteran Jeremy Nettle reflects on a recent debate by the Highland Marketing advisory board on the role of national and local organisations in NHS IT policy, funding and implementation. Twenty-years of switching focus has created confusion and delay, he argues, and it’s time for a new model.

I was

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