GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE

February 2025


The Public Sector – Avoiding emergencies to help the community

But what if something as simple as the inability to access your own office space strikes at your technology and means of communication? Where will this leave your staff and those who truly depend on you?

Solid communications are at the heart of the public sector, which not only goes out of its way

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Ten ways to keep business relationships private

Protecting confidential business relationships used to be easy. You just kept your mouth shut.

But the internet makes it easy to disclose people’s details, without even realising it. And that could have serious professional consequences.

This checklist will help to keep you out of trouble:

Tell your contacts not to pass on personal messages on

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Chronic underinvestment in UK infrastructure claims MCA

UK infrastructure is a paradox. We have world-renowned capabilities in architecture, engineering and construction. Yet, with some exceptions, like the Olympics and Crossrail, our record at creating business, service and communications infrastructure is a best indifferent. There is chronic underinvestment. We need to spend around £500bn to bring the UK’s transport, energy and telecoms networks

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Two Sodexo security experts have been elected to the council of the International Professional Security Association (IPSA).

National security manager Mark Death

National security manager Mark Death and Centre of Excellence development manager Jane Farrell were both appointed to the 18-strong council.

Formed over 50 years ago, IPSA is a membership body for individuals and companies working in security and associated roles.

Centre of Excellence development manager Jane

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How Bull supported Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to Revolutionise its Approach to IT

In a rapidly moving digital economy and globalised world, governments and local authorities operate in an environment characterised by rapid economic change, rising security concerns and a more demanding electorate. As a result, they face an unprecedented challenge to deliver better and more cost-effective services to both citizens and businesses, providing the public with greater levels of accountability.

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Technology Innovation is Key to the UK's PSN Success, says The Kenton Group

Network access specialist, The Kenton Group, believes innovative technology is key to the success of the PSN (Public Services Network) Services framework, acting as a catalyst for improved working and public services across the UK. This announcement comes ahead of this week’s Public Services Network Summit

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The Government should be much clearer about what it means by choice in public services, according to a new report published recently by the MCA (Management Consultancies Association). And ministers should launch a massive campaign – through new Choice Concordats – to increase the information that is provided to citizens, explain the available choices and improve understanding of their consequences.



A simple, must-read for journalists, bloggers, PRs or anyone who writes for the web. An essential guide covering all the legal and ethical risks with Twitter, Facebook, blogs, websites, archives and much more. Price: £5.95 incl VAT. Email for more information:


TUC Annual Conference discovers the latest technology to engage members

September’s annual TUC Conference in Brighton welcomed for the first time UK based global data capture specialist DRS Data Services Ltd, to showcase their Elections offering including manual and electronic counting and electronic voting.

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Public Sector Work Is One Of UK's 'Best For Work-Life Balance' According To Graduates

Confidential career review site asked 3000 graduates in their first three years of employment to score their company on a range of criteria including responsibility, progression opportunities, colleague interaction, training, work-life balance and benefits.

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UK Q3 GDP: Golden Olympic recovery

-The ONS’ preliminary estimate of Q3 GDP showed the economy grew by a huge 1.0%, ending the UK’s longest double-dip recession since the Second World War in sensational style. Year on year growth rose from -0.5% to flat. The results are significantly stronger than the 0.6% consensus estimates, and our own estimate of 0.5%.

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New web site goes live as national Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Show 2014 gathers momentum

The new official website for the forthcoming Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Show 2014 is now live, the organisers have announced.

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WORKPLACE equipment supplier Slingsby is again supporting this year’s ‘Ladder Exchange Initiative’, which offers substantial discounts on new ladders that are part exchanged for damaged ones. This comes after recent figures revealed the number of fatal injuries in British workplaces is no longer in decline and that falls from height remain the main cause of these accidents.


Internal Investigations ' What Have You Got To Lose?

Internal investigations are often associated with a suspicion of ‘misdemeanour’ ie, health and safety violations, fraud or financial impropriety. Their prevalence in the private sector is influenced by prosecutorial and regulator encouragement and by compliance need.

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Universities improve operational efficiency with the latest software from Kinetic Solutions

Following consultation with universities Kinetic Solutions, the UK’s leading specialist provider of student accommodation, conference and hospitality management software has introduced a new product, KxInspections to assist in delivering greater operational efficiency that could potentially help universities to achieve competitive advantage.

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Trauma in the Workplace: The Impact of Post Traumatic Stress

Organisations can find out about the potential impact of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) for their staffing policies and practices with a new White Paper ‘Trauma in the Workplace’, authored by UK military veteran’s charity PTSD Resolution. A free copy of the White Paper is available for download.

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Open new doors and opportunities

Across the country universities are preparing to intake thousands of new students for the coming academic year. During this time, universities will have to manage an influx in the number of security swipe cards issued and an increasing number of modifications to existing ones. As such, it is critical that universities streamline operations as it is simply not good enough for a new student or employee to be denied access to a campus location because of a delay in security synchronisation – and that’s where data integration fits in.

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Do your homework on home working, says Performance Telecom

The concept of home working is coming back to the top of the agenda this summer with many organisations being encouraged to give staff the flexibility to stay away from the office in order to reduce pressure on transport systems during the Olympics.

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British hospitals present easy terrorist target for CBRNE attacks warns former Athens Olympic security chief

Britain’s insecure hospitals are presenting terrorists planning a dirty bomb attack with a bonus second wave target. Terrorists detonating a chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear explosive (CBRNE) device in one location could easily follow up the first attacks with a follow up bomb in anyone of the UKs hospitals that have been described as ‘wide open’ by security chiefs.

Continue reading British hospitals present easy terrorist target for CBRNE attacks warns former Athens Olympic security chief