FINAL GPSJ Summer edition 2024 ONLINE VERSION.2pdf

October 2024


Under Pressure Public Sector Managers Turn to Private Sector Boardroom Expertise

Unremitting financial pressures, ongoing staff reductions and the unforgiving need to deliver new political initiatives against tight budgets are leading local, regional and national government managers across the UK to turn to outsourced private sector business transformation experts for the delivery of organisational change and new services.

David Pinchard

A leading supplier of this

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Tile Hill Celebrated as a Leading Interim Service Provider in 2024 IIM Survey Insights

Tile Hill, a leading firm specialising in interim management and executive search services for public sector organisations, received widespread acclaim in the results of the 2024 Institute of Interim Management (IIM) Survey, an annual survey of the interim market. The survey is widely recognised as the most comprehensive and prestigious insight into the Interim

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The Public Sector – Avoiding emergencies to help the community

But what if something as simple as the inability to access your own office space strikes at your technology and means of communication? Where will this leave your staff and those who truly depend on you?

Solid communications are at the heart of the public sector, which not only goes out of its way

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Organisational Performance Management in Public Service

Graham Manville

For many years the Third Sector was the Cinderella of the economy with the private sector and public sector basking in the spotlight and attracting the top talent. During the past 15 years, however, there has been a drive for the Third Sector to play a larger role in public service

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Rada completes MOD mission in Cheshire

Rada’s expertise in delivering robust and sustainable commercial showering and digital washroom controls has been demonstrated through a project at the Ministry of Defence’s Dale Barracks site in Chester.

Refurbishment works across multiple blocks of the purpose built infantry barracks saw Rada supply a range of products including its T1 100 timed flow taps, VR2

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During the final quarter of 2012, temporary labour usage among Local Authorities decreased by only 0.1%, when compared to the same period in 2011. The minor decrease shown in Comensura’s Government Index was the lowest quarterly decrease in 2012 and signals a trend for minor increases of up to 2% in temporary labour usage in 2013.


Double your Donation with Matched Funding for PTSD

The Big Give – a national scheme to encourage charitable giving at Christmas – will match on-line donations and double the value of contributions to relieve the trauma of armed forces veterans, on December 6, 7, 8 from 10:00am each day. Donations can be made on-line to PTSD Resolution (reg. charity No. 1133188) via the link

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Public Sector Work Is One Of UK's 'Best For Work-Life Balance' According To Graduates

Confidential career review site asked 3000 graduates in their first three years of employment to score their company on a range of criteria including responsibility, progression opportunities, colleague interaction, training, work-life balance and benefits.

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Trauma in the Workplace: The Impact of Post Traumatic Stress

Organisations can find out about the potential impact of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) for their staffing policies and practices with a new White Paper ‘Trauma in the Workplace’, authored by UK military veteran’s charity PTSD Resolution. A free copy of the White Paper is available for download.

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British hospitals present easy terrorist target for CBRNE attacks warns former Athens Olympic security chief

Britain’s insecure hospitals are presenting terrorists planning a dirty bomb attack with a bonus second wave target. Terrorists detonating a chemical, biological, radioactive or nuclear explosive (CBRNE) device in one location could easily follow up the first attacks with a follow up bomb in anyone of the UKs hospitals that have been described as ‘wide open’ by security chiefs.

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Public Sector Media Relations Post Leveson

The investigation into phone hacking at the News of the World and the general culture and ethics of the British media, ‘The Leveson Inquiry’, should conclude with a report in the Autumn. Public hearings are expected to run on into the Summer with the next high profile phase focused on the relationship between the press and politicians, as we have seen with the prime minister and other senior political figures giving evidence recently.

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Webasto Heats Boss Cabin's Big Space

World-leading manufacturer of automotive, CV and marine heating, cooling and ventilation systems specialist Webasto has been selected by Boss Cabins to provide diesel powered interior heating for their new -Big Space- towable welfare cabin.

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Poppy thief jailed for 52 weeks

A THIEF, who stole Poppy Appeal tins in the run up to Armistice Day, has been jailed for 52 weeks.

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Ex-serviceman was assaulted for wearing a Royal Air Force jacket.

A 69-year-old ex-serviceman was assaulted for wearing a Royal Air Force jacket. ,

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Keeping your staff's personal information safe online

Keeping your staff’s personal information safe onlineMedia law expert Cleland Thom warns of the dangers of mixing business with pleasure

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Third Horizon Perspective

The emerging agreements as part of the spending review set out a clear financial expectation (required quantum and phasing of spending reduction). The challenge is to commute the expectation into practice without an unnecessary degradation in ‘front-line services’. Third Horizon experience confirms the following will be necessary:

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National security strategy emphasises need for coordinated approach to counter-terrorism

London, 18 Oct 2010 – Britain has published it’s National Security Strategy (NSS) which aims to inform thinking and drive policy over coming years. The document categorises threats faced by the nation in tiers highlighting the level of severity, outlines actions to be taken to mitigate such threats and formed the background to the Strategic Defence Review (SDR).

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I2 Marriage made in Heaven

What do you get when the worlds leading analysis and data software provider merges with a leading open source intelligence research institute? Hopefully an even more successful business providing data faster and more accurately to its service users. At least that is the outcome i2 CEO Robert Griffin is hoping for as he heralded the group’s newly formed partnership with risk intelligence specialists World Check at its Brussels client conference in June.

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DVD 2010 returns to Millbrook in June

DVD 2010, Defence Equipment & Support’s (DE&S) stakeholder event for the land and supply chain communities in the defence sector, will take place on June 23 and 24, at Millbrook, Bedfordshire.

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