July 2024


Digital and data roadmap passes two-year milestone

By Sascha Giese, Tech Evangelist at SolarWinds

It’s now two years since the UK published its 2022-2025 roadmap for digital and data to transform government services and ensure every penny of taxpayers’ money is well spent.

Sascha Giese

The roadmap set out ambitious plans to “transform digital public services, deliver world-class digital technology and

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The need to modernise secure content communication approaches

By Tim Freestone, chief strategy and marketing officer, Kiteworks

The sheer number of cyber-attacks in recent years puts the inadequacy of current systems into sharp focus. Alas, many public sector organisations are still using decades old legacy, homegrown technologies to manage the storing, transfer, and sharing of data. Although this approach has historically been

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OggaDoon shares success from work with MOD and Logiq Consulting on the Secure by Design launch

OggaDoon, the leading Bristol-based PR agency, has shared highlights from their time working with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Logiq Consulting where they provided marketing and PR services to launch Secure by Design, UK Defence’s new approach to cyber security risk management. The collaboration saw OggaDoon research and produce a complex marketing and

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Government suicide prevention fund for charity sector to be boosted

Multi-million-pound fund for charity sector to carry out crucial work – alongside the NHS – to save lives and tackle tragedy of suicide Government calls on charities across England to apply for funding to continue supporting tens of thousands of people experiencing suicidal thoughts Comes alongside expected £13.6 billion this year to transform the

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Matrix ramps up tech investment with Matrix Prism launch in collaboration with OutSystems to boost platform capabilities

Workforce management platform and services company Matrix is strengthening its commitment to providing a world-class contingent workforce management system, starting with the launch of Matrix Prism, powered by OutSystems’ low-code development system, which will replace Matrix existing proprietary platform,

Matrix Prism will provide an intuitive end-to-end workflow management platform that covers the full spectrum

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SD-WANs: Are They Enough for Modern Government Enterprises?

David Trossell, CEO and CTO of Bridgeworks

The public sector continues to promote and undergo digital transformation. The drivers for it range from a need to digitalise operations, to increase innovation and agility or encourage and permit easier collaboration across different Government departments and public sector organisations.

There is also a need for

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Following the announcement that the Household Support Fund has been extended again, Huggg, the specialist platform which allows organisations to send and manage retail vouchers at scale to those in need, has launched a number of new initiatives. These are designed to help local authorities and their Third Party partner organisations (TPOs) get these vital


How new technology is resolving the costly data quality issues afflicting the public sector

Barley Laing

By Barley Laing, the UK Managing Director at Melissa

Evolving technology is driving efficiencies in processes and reducing costs across most sectors. The significant impact of this trend is quite apparent in the public sector, where budgets have fallen dramatically, or are being scrutinised. Whatever the reason – continued government borrowing,

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Is it now time to introduce a subsidised social energy tariff for the most vulnerable in our communities?

By Ollie Gray, business development director, Charis Grants Ltd

It’s a strange world when you consider those being forced against their will onto prepayment meters because they are struggling to pay their bills, actually end up being charged higher prices as a result – but that is exactly what is happening.

According to the

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Legacy systems and security will continue to dominate the agenda for public sector IT professionals

Sascha Giese

By Sascha Giese, SolarWinds Head Geek™

When protecting computer systems and networks, the “biggest cyber risk is complacency, not hackers.” That’s according to John Edwards, the UK’s Information Commissioner who warned that companies are leaving themselves open to cyberattacks by ignoring crucial measures such as updating software and training staff.

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Removing departmental siloes is vital for Governments under fire from state-sponsored salvos

By Sascha Giese, Head Geek™ at SolarWinds

When it comes to IT, much is made of the differences between public and private sector projects. People are quick to point out the world’s most successful go-getting companies use technology to gain a competitive advantage, while the public sector is motivated by the delivery of services to

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Restore Records Management earns £5.8m contract with Department for Work and Pensions

Nigel Dews

Restore Records Management has been awarded a £5.857m contract by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to transfer approximately 375,000 boxes of records into off-site storage and provide retrieval services.

The three-year contract, worth c£1.9m a year, will see records moved away from DWP’S on-site location at Heywood Stores, near

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The Disclosure and Barring Service recognised for a second time as the highest-rated public service organisation for customer satisfaction

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has been ranked as the highest-rated public service organisation in the UK for customer satisfaction in the July 2022 UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI). The organisation also achieved this ranking in the January 2022 UKCSI.

The index is published twice a year by the Institute of Customer Service and

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Bright Initiative: Global data for good Initiative expands support for the UK’s National Data Strategy with new partnerships

Bright Initiative has joined the UK Government-backed Data Skills Taskforce to help tackle the UK’s data skills challenges Initiative also set to begin work with members of the UK Parliament on an inquiry investigating issues around governance and ethics in data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) New collaborations complement ongoing support for UK Government officials

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Why the U.K. Public Sector Should Monitor U.S. Cybersecurity Trends

By Sascha Giese, Head Geek™ at SolarWinds

Like many countries around the world, the U.K. is familiar with following trends that originally emerged in the U.S. It’s a long-standing idea, amplified in recent years by increasing globalisation and the impact of digital transformation on society.

Take cybersecurity, for example, where the U.S. has been at

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Conservative Party fined for inaccurate donation report

The Conservative Party has been fined £17,800 by the Electoral Commission after failing to accurately report a donation and keep a proper accounting record.

The sanction was imposed on the party, following the conclusion of a detailed investigation. The investigation looked at whether any transactions relating to works at 11 Downing Street fell within the

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Open-Source Database Revolution in the Public Sector

By Sascha Giese, Head Geek™ at SolarWinds

For years, it has been broadly accepted that the profile of open-source software as ‘higher risk’ goes against the principles of public sector technology procurement. Being free, not reputedly as safe, and via smaller vendors than the big players, has blinkered this industry to finding solutions which could

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Armour Comms showcases new secure collaborative working solutions with MOD and Bittium at DSEI

DSEI, 14 – 17 September, 2021, ExCeL, London, Stand No: H1-450

Armour Comms will be showcasing several new capabilities of its OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, NATO approved Armour® Mobile at DSEI, including a technical preview of its secure collaboration solution, Unity by Armour. Other innovations on show will be Armour’s work with the Ministry of Defence

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Readers’ reactions to the Queen’s Speech

Irwin Mitchell: An extremely brief Queens Speech – but does it tell us anything new for planning/environment?

Stuart Tym, Senior Associate in the Planning Team points out to GPSJ the inconsistencies in what was announced today

Baroness Jones spoke to the BBC prior to the Speech with particular concern about the relaxation of planning laws

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Affordable homes: Comment from Arcadis

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick today unveiled a new £12 million boost for affordable homes, in a bid to make it easier for people to get on the housing ladder. The programme represents the highest single funding commitment to affordable housing in a decade.

Commenting on the measures, Peter Hogg, UK Cities Director at Arcadis,

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